Resolution 20-07 Adopting the 2020 Sac County Housing Needs Assessment
Resolution 20-08 Approving and confirming plans, specifications, form
of contract and estimate of cost for the Wastewater Treatment Lagoon
Improvements Project
Resolution 20-09 Awarding contract for the Wastewater Treatment Lagoon
Improvements Project
Resolution 20-10 Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execute a
Municipal Advisor Services Agreement with D.A. Davidson and Co.
Resolution 20-01 Resolution Approving Wage Increases for Full Time
Employees For the City of Auburn
Resolution 20-04 To Provide for a notice of hearing on proposed plans,
specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the
Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Improvements Project, and the taking of
bids therefor
Resolution 20-05 Authorizing and Directing Execution of
Telecommunications Easement
Resolution 20-06 To Amend a Contract with Region XII Council of
Governments Regarding Administrative
Resolution 20-01 Approving Wage Increases for Full Time Employees For
the City of Auburn